So many interesting creatures in the world: here is a unique parrot-eagle that attracts everyone’s attention

A unique parrot lives in New Guinea, breaking the usual ideas about its family.

Nature never ceases to amaze us.

Every time we think that there is nothing more amazing than this animal or bird, but after a short time we are amazed at the new beauties and masterpieces of nature.

Incredible eagle-parrot - the most amazing representative of the bright family

For example, when we imagine a parrot, we have an image of a bright, noisy bird.

A unique parrot lives in New Guinea. His appearance and behavior inspire some fear.

Incredible eagle-parrot - the most amazing representative of the bright family

Stunning black with red. Majestic and formidable view, causing association with an eagle. The beak is resinous, with an impressive bend forward.

The total length of the bird is half a meter, weight can reach 600 g.

Incredible eagle-parrot - the most amazing representative of the bright family

Males can be distinguished by one feature: red spots behind the ears. This gives them extra strength.

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