«Pronounced cheekbones and deformed lips»: recent photos of Natalie Portman caused mixed reactions

Thinner face and lifted eyelids of Natalie Portman became reasons of rumors that the actress may have undergone plastic surgery😮🤔What do you think she had plastic surgery or not?🧐🫢

Recent photos of Natalie Portman surprised fans․ Everyone immediately thought that the actress could potentially undergo plastic surgery. Fans noticed her thinner face and narrow eyelids and were sure that she had undergone cosmetic procedures.

Fans were already convinced of this after Portman appeared on James Corden’s talk show․ She spoke about participating in the documentary «City of Angels»․ The film was dedicated to a Angel City Football Club.

Recent different photos of Portman surprised fans because it is obvious that her face has changed․ The Medialeaks portal even reports this.

Fans commented on the photos expressing surprise․ They doubt her beauty, and say that Portman’s natural beauty was beautiful, but now she has completely changed․ Others insisted that all this was related to weight loss, and not to plastic surgery.

The controversy is still ongoing. What do you think? Did she get plastic surgery?

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