Not Very Famous Place With Rare Books In It. Read In The Article About The Most Wonderful Library In The World

There are some places that are not prominent but worth visiting


At the end of the last millennium, CDs were still used everywhere, but now they are just out of fashion – many discs are actually unreadable because of material degradation. A great example that all sophisticated electronics loses to good old paper books in leather bindings. That is why our descendants will also go to libraries, the most beautiful of which is recognized the Prague Clementinum.

This is how the temple of knowledge should look!

It was originally the third largest Jesuit college in the world. No money was saved for decoration, for example, the famous Jan Khibl was hired to paint the ceiling.

There aren’t many books there, not millions but 20.000. But there are all rarest ones!

The story of the building starts from the 13th century but it became a library in 1781 by the order of Karel Rafael Ungar

The national library of Czech Republic is here!

The area of the library is 20 thousand sq.m. The second largest building in Prague!

But this building is not a prominent place to visit for tourists. Many people even don’t know about it!

Clementinum is considered an outstanding monument of Baroque architecture.

What a wonderful place!

Would you like to visit Clementinum?

Source: Lemurov

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