«No one would believe that she will be so successful»: a girl without legs set 18 world records

The diagnosis was staggering, the little one will never be able to walk.

On February 29, 1992, a girl was born in an ordinary family. But unfortunately, she had a serious pathology: there were no legs, ankles, and many bones in the foot. The diagnosis is stunning: the baby will never be able to walk.

A 16-year-old mother, who herself was a child, left her. The baby has grown up and walks perfectly, and not just walks, but became a champion and reached many heights in sports.

For almost a year, the girl was transferred from an orphanage to an orphanage. In 1993, a family from America adopted it.

It was decided to put good prostheses on the girl, so a number of operations were performed and since then the girl not only walks perfectly but also swims like a real mermaid! The parents took her swimming, then the coach confused them: she swims very quickly, faster than babies with her legs.

She already has 18 records and she is not going to stop. This is a sad beginning, but a great continuation of a strong girl who decided to fight for her happy life.

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