«New image changed him»: the hairdresser cut the homeless man’s hair for free, and he is now different person

A free haircut of the homeless can be the beginning of a new chapter for them.

A good haircut can make you feel like a star, regardless of what their current circumstances are.

This is what the French hairdresser David Kodat knows too well.

With clients, from famous players to ordinary people, David established himself as a real wizard with scissors and a haircut in his hands.

But only when he made a reincarnation of the homeless, David really became famous.

He cut the man for free and published the results in TikTok, showing what radical changes a simple haircut can make.

The man turned from disheveled and untidy into polished and assembled.

David shared that his own experience of growing up in a family experiencing financial difficulties made him especially sympathize with the needs of people who fell into trouble.

He is a member of the charity association, which gives food to the homeless on Sundays, and it was during one of these walks that he came up with the idea to offer them his services.

He explained that when someone’s appearance changes so sharply, this can greatly affect their mood and a general outlook on life.

That is why he believes that a free haircut of the homeless can be the beginning of a new chapter for them.

And it seems that this is not an isolated case, since David also made free haircuts to other homeless people.

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