The tropical forest is a home for countless beautiful and unique creatures.
While in the park in Colombia, Wildlife photographers Thomas Marent and David Weiller made incredible shots of an amazing and unique butterfly.
Here, two wildlife photographers made amazing shots of a rare and beautiful butterfly. The wings of the butterfly are clearly indicated by the number 88, which is a happy number.
“In Chinese culture, the number 8 is considered happy because it sounds like a hieroglyph of money, good luck and prosperity (FA), which is pronounced the same. In other words, if this butterfly were discovered in China, people would love it immensely!
Despite the fact that this is not a talisman, the butterfly in itself is a work of art!
Diaethria Anna is the scientific name of the butterfly that can be seen on the video below, and it lives in the wet regions of Central America. It is also known as 88 butterflies of Anna. The general name of this butterfly is due to the fact that on its wings there are patterns resembling the number 88.
However, not many butterflies number 88 is as pronounced as in this butterfly. It really looks perfect!
It is incredible how mother nature can create such colorful pieces of beauty!
This butterfly looks like steal your soul …!
Look at this amazing story below: