Luckily, this dog survived after the plane crash and staying several days alone in Arizona

The rescuers intended to go after the poor pup after plane crash and rescued him.

A puppy was found alone next to the wreckage of the plane. He was hurt, hungry, thirsty and tired.

The animal belonged to a pilot-Jim Petersen.

Unfortunately, they had a tragic accident, Jim Petersen died, and only Uta Petersen survived the crash.

Dog that survived a plane crash spent days alone in Arizona wilderness being tired, thirsty and hungry

They were accompanied by a dog. He also had an accident – received several injuries.

But when the rescuers arrived in time by helicopter, the frightened dog ran into the forest. He disappeared for several days.

Dog that survived a plane crash spent days alone in Arizona wilderness being tired, thirsty and hungry

Days passed and investigators arrived at the scene and they saw a dog next to the wreckage of the aircraft.

The dog ran away again. The rescuers intended to go along with the poor baby.

Dog that survived a plane crash spent days alone in Arizona wilderness being tired, thirsty and hungry

When the puppy was finally found, he was tired and hungry. Soon he was provided with the necessary medical assistance.

The dog was in safe hands. We hope that their baby will be easier in these difficult days.

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