Kind story: wonderful caring firefighters saved a dog with its head stuck in a bottle

A young dog stuck his head in a plastic bottle but firefighters helped him.

The firefighters of Chattanooga, a town in Tennessee (USA), began an unusual rescue operation … A young dog stuck his head in a plastic bottle.

The events took place on Sunday, November 7, 2021. A police officer brought a puppy to the Chattanooga fire department. The animal needed help! And no wonder he managed to plug his head with a plastic bottle.

How did he end up in such an awkward situation? Where is he from ? What is its history? So many questions that remain unanswered to this day … One way or another, firefighters extended a helping hand to this little one in distress. With his muzzle sharpened in this way, he risked suffocation.

There was not a minute to lose!

To save him, professionals prudently sawed off the object of his suffering, according to People. Thanks to their habitation, they were able to pass on the puppy. The latter even got a hug session with his characters, as well as a new necklace.

Firefighters posted photos of the rescue on their Facebook page. Showered, of course, a lot of positive feedback. Several Internet users thanked the rescuers for their responsiveness and professionalism.

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