“Just amazing” This is what cute animals feel when the owner is sad or happy

All this happens thanks to their super sensitive nose.🥹

Our dogs always live next to us. They get along very well with people. When we are sad, we have to be very attentive to what the pet does. The pet wants to be closer to the owner. They really feel everything, and when the owner is happy, then the dog also feels it.

All this happens thanks to a sensitive nose. A dog’s sense of smell is 70,000 times better than a human’s. When a person does not smell well, the chemistry of the body changes, and the smell that animals have remembered changes.

When the owner lives with the dog then the dog learns everything from his owner. Dogs can smell and feel. They are always interested in their owners. They want to know why the owner is in such a mood at this moment.

When we pet the dog hormones increase in our body and the dog feels it very good. Therefore they want to be with us until our hormones return to normal. It is very good that dogs exist in our world because thanks to them we become happier and our life becomes beautiful.

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