It’s wonderful that people do kindness: thanks to these caring people the blind dog started to see again

A stray and blind dog has been rescued and even regained the use of his eyes.

Not only the company and his new mistress saved Bertie from wandering. This dog also gained his sight through an online fundraiser. The generosity of donors made it possible to fund his eye surgery.

According to the British media Metro, the once stray, resentful and blind dog was saved and even restored his sight.

We are talking about a four-legged schnauzer, which echoes the name Bertie. He lives in Wales with his wife Lucy Morgan-Agate. A young woman adopted him from the Alpeta Poor Rescue Association, an orphanage based in Llandisula in the southeast of the country.

Bertie was taken in by volunteers after he was taken from hell on the street. In fact, the dog was abandoned and was the victim of abuse. He had lost most of his coat and his skin was covered in scabs. In addition, the schnauzer was completely blind.

Lucy Morgan-Agate was so moved by his story that the association released the information that he was looking for a new family. She decided to adopt him.

She says that in the early days, people judged her by looking at the condition of the animal because they thought she was mistreating him.

She massaged him for hours with coconut oil to heal his skin, which gradually returned to its normal appearance and condition. His hair has also grown back.

However, Bertie was still blind.

The veterinarians did not know if the blindness he suffered from was a birth defect or the result of abuse. At the very least, they explained to Lucy Morgan-Agate that the operation was possible and that it had an 80% chance of success.

Except that the intervention was quite expensive, and Bertie the landlady had no money.

The dog regained his sight. Since then, he has learned to rediscover the world around him, and especially his loving family.

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