When this dog had his little chair he did not stop smiling.
Looking at some pet owners, it may seem that people consider them children.
Well, dogs react to each other completely, imitating them as best they can.
This dog is now absolutely happy.
Lindsey Dyer found her dog Franklin at an animal shelter.
He got used to his new home and bonded with Lindsey.
Franklin just loves to cuddle.
Lindsey usually sits in a large chair for work.
But for Franklin, it’s an invitation to a hug.
She saw that in the IKEA assortment there was an exact copy of his work chair, only small one.
I hope when Franklin has his own chair, he will stop trying to force his mistress out.
When Lindsey brought the chair home, she placed the dog on the seat.
And Franklin immediately understood what that meant. Just look at the expression on his face. This is a precious moment.