Interesting story: pregnant sloth mother constantly hugs toy sloth, as if preparing for maternal care

In order for sloth to prepare for motherhood, she was given a soft toy.

Different animals live in the Cincinnati Zoo, many nature protection programs are being implemented.

There are several lazy sloths in the care of the zoo. These animals are now considered safe species, but they face many threats in the wild.

The pregnant female sloth hugs her baby sloth toy and prepares for motherhood

Once the zoo announced a happy event: a female named Lightning became pregnant. His partner –Moi was born in the wild and quickly orphaned.

Moe’s contribution to species diversity is especially valuable because he is a rare representative of the lazy wild population. Most of the animals seen in zoos have already been born in captivity.

The pregnant female sloth hugs her baby sloth toy and prepares for motherhood

Lazy sloths eat, sleep, mate and even give birth while hanging. After birth, the baby clings to the mother’s fur, crawls to the breast and feeds exclusively on milk for ten days.

The pregnant female sloth hugs her baby sloth toy and prepares for motherhood

To prepare Lightning for future motherhood, she was given a soft toy, lazy of course. She already hugs him like her child.

Sometimes the guardians take the ”baby” and return it. They will do the same with the baby for a medical examination.

See what a newborn lazy creatures look like.

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