Interesting scene: a tired elephant, fell asleep in the middle of the road, caused chaos on the roads

The road was probably good and warm for this dormant elephant.

Resting where her ancestors rested for several generations before people captured their habitat!

He lived there long before the appearance of the road. This is actually cute and funny.

Elephants are pacing in the middle of the road, as if it were their house in Nakhon Ratchasima, North Thailand. Large herds of elephants crossing the road are not uncommon.

Mr. Nattavat Patsungsing, who was going to be late for work, because the elephant took a nap and refused to give way, had to stop at a distance and remain silent so that the majestic Indian elephant would not rush into the attack; He only dared to shoot the animal from afar from his car.

The elephant seemed very enjoyed by this sweet dream, and his legs and ears trembled with pleasure. When the passers -by suffered from traffic jams, the elephant finally raised his trunk and stood on his hind legs, after the incessant prayers of the employees who are afraid of dismissal: «Oh God … you are going to the end. Can you move, boy? I have to go to work».

This elephant is the name of NGA Tong, which in Thai means «golden tusks». In the cold season, it can often be found lying on concrete to warm up. This is strange, because NGA Tong usually does not appear on the road, clogged with cars and noisy buses; He spends most of his time in the National Park. The staff describes it as «very shy».

Despite the fact that many people that day were late for work because of this incident, they all were interested in seeing an elephant dormant on the road. But, I hope, next time he will be able to switch to another place to sleep!

I wonder if your wives will believe you if you tell her that you are late because the elephant was sleeping on the road.

Another lesson in patience!

Any person of such a height can take a nap anywhere !!!

She was probably born before this road was built. Bless her!

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