Inspiring music is provided by this pianist for the blind and defenseless elephants being rescued

Inspiring music for blind and defenseless elephants

We are still amazed by animals’ brain abilities for some things that we once thought were human-only.

This remarkable scene of a blind elephant dancing to classical music just happened.

This pianist plays healing music for the blind and helpless rescue elephants and that is so inspiring

British musician Paul Barton visited an elephant sanctuary one day with his piano and started playing classical music to one of the elephants who was blind.

Everyone was taken aback when the elephant known as Lam Duan started to swing and rock back and forth, seemingly dancing to the music.

Lam Duan, 62, spends her days at the Elephants World wildlife sanctuary in Thailand. She has been blind for almost her entire life.

Despite being blind, she responds to and enjoys music as if she can see it.

This pianist plays healing music for the blind and helpless rescue elephants and that is so inspiring

There are more elephants than just Lam Duan that like listening to Barton’s tranquil piano performances live.

According to Barton, the majority of elephants respond to music by moving toward the piano or jerkily starting to move around.

And some move side to side while others massage the piano, everyone becomes enthralled by the piano’s beautiful music.

This pianist plays healing music for the blind and helpless rescue elephants and that is so inspiring

To the extent that their trunks would allow, some elephants even made an attempt to sing along with the music.



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