How Cat Inspires Children To Read? What A Wonderful Idea ?

Cats are smart animals. You just need to motivate them act

Nowadays book knowledge isn’t highly appreciated so the employees of the Bellefonte Central Library in Pennsylvania came up with an original idea to attract kids there. The mission was entrusted to Horatio – the first cosplayer cat in history!

Horatio appears with various images

He depicts the characters of the famous books

It helps make them “alive”


A new image every time

It awakens the attention of children- they want to know who the cat depicts

According to the statistics, the amount of young readers rise day by day

This is the idea of Lisa Shaffer- the owner of the cat

She confirms that Horatio is a smart cat

He is sympathetic to his mission

Horatio takes changing clothes easy

And adores photoshoots

It isn’t just a photoshoot in suits

It is a completely cosplay

This word is modern and it attracted children and that’s how it works

As the owner of the cat knows Horatio doesn’t have competitors

None of the cats perform such professionalism as Horatio

Due to Horatio and his owner’s hobby there are always plenty of children in the library.

Have you ever seen Horatio’s photos before? Do you like this idea?

Source: Lemurov

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