«Here’s what the celebrity feels after the break»: the beautiful Madonna broke up with her young boyfriend

Insiders insisted that the reason for it was her busy schedule.

Last spring, Madonna broke up with her young boyfriend Ahlamalik Williams, they were together for three years.

The insiders assured that the reason for the rupture of the relationship was not the difference in age, but a dense celebrity schedule.

A few months after that, Madonna began to be increasingly caught in the company of 23-year-old Andrew Darnell.

And although there was no confirmation on the celebrity blog that they were really a couple, the insiders insisted that Madonna and Andrew were meeting.

«They kissed and did not try to hide their feelings for each other at all. And after a while they went to the booth, where we spent almost all night», the insiders shared.

It seemed that the relationship of the couple was developing quite rapidly.

However, it recently became known that Madonna broke up with her young boyfriend. But the singer, according to the sources from her environment, is not too worried.

«This was not something serious, more like a random relationship. Her heart is not broken. It’s just that now this gap has occurred at an extremely inappropriate time», the insider explained in an interview with reporters.

He added that now the artist is not in the best condition.

«She has a small crisis of self-confidence. And Andrei, as it were, helped her. But it was not love or something like that», the source added.

According to him, the crisis occurred due to publications that appeared against the backdrop of Madonna’s performance at Grammy.

Then her face was discussed by everyone. The artist herself emphasized that she was already accustomed to such a «feminine» and noted that she looks great, and unsuccessful photos are the result of wide-angle lenses.

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