«He will not have to walk to work»: the janitor cried after his colleagues raised 10 thousand dollars for him

This episode demonstrates his dedication and serves as a source of inspiration.

Robert Reed is a favorite cleaner in the primary school of Farmington in Germantown, Tennessee, who diligently fulfills his duties, never complaining.

However, his colleagues found that he had reached work on three buses and walked two miles on foot.

Touched by his selflessness, they combined their resources and surprised him with a sufficient amount of means to buy a car, causing him an emotional reaction.

However, his colleagues found that he had reached work on three buses and walked two miles on foot.

Touched by his selflessness, they combined their resources and surprised him with a sufficient amount of means to buy a car, causing him an emotional reaction.

Strong labor ethics and positive attitude of Robert gained admiration for both students and teachers of Farmington primary school.

He is very proud of his role as a janitor and tirelessly works to create a safe and clean environment for students.

This led to a long hour when he did not return home until 19:00, but, despite the difficulties that he faced, he never allowed this to influence his mood or his devotion to his «Farmington family» and his work.

He expresses his joy from working at school, pure joy, and he was emotional about this.

The school janitor Robert saved money for a truck, and his colleagues in the primary school of Farmington wanted to help him achieve his goal.

The teacher at the school created the GoFundMe page to collect money for Robert, and in just a day the campaign raised $ 7,000.

By the end of the fundraising, the school community raised a total of $ 10,000 to help Robert buy a truck for which he saved.

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