«Grandma’s Sundress»: Angelina Jolie gets criticized for her recent look

This is what Jolie wore outside. Fans can’t stop discussing her look.🧐🤔

Angelina Jolie has been a beauty standard for girls. Terms such as “Jolie cheekbones” and “Jolie lips” have been popular among girls, who tried to look like the actress.

However, times have changed and so is Jolie. Her divorce from Brad Pitt was a big part of her decline. She has lost weight.

Recently she was spotted with her adoptive daughter Zahara. She was seen wearing a white gown, sunglasses, and a black jacket over it. She was carrying a big handbag and wore white sandals.

Her white dress looked more like a nightgown. Meanwhile, Zahara was seen wearing a gray T-shirt, a graphite miniskirt, a dark green sweater, and white sneakers.

Fans weren’t pleased with Jolie’s look and started criticizing it.

“Grandma’s sundress,” one fan said. “I wonder why she put on a nightgown,” the other added.

“Jolie does not go this freestyle,” the third one said.


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