Girl who weighed 23 kg was able to overcome all difficulties and this is how she looks now

The public was surprised by her appearance because she was too thin.đŸ„čđŸ„č

It’s no secret that every person doesn’t matter, a woman or a man always sees flaws in themselves, especially associated with the body. But when all these attempts to eliminate them reach fanaticism, it is already very difficult to cope with this.

In 2011, this girl found out that she had a critical weight. Everyone was just shocked to see how thin she was.

Her height was 158 cm and she was 23 kg. She could not even walk and understood that if she was not helped, she could not cope with it alone.

It seemed to her that all the models in magazines are ideal, they have a wonderful life and earn a lot of money. She also wanted to become a model.

Then she thought that she did not have a beautiful figure, but although she did not suffer from excess weight. She weighed 48 kg, but she thought that it was a lot in order to be a model, and she began to eat very little and even stopped eating.

She only drank water. When the girl lost consciousness, she finally realized that something was wrong with her and this leads to big problems. Doctors and psychologists couldn’t help her. She dreamed of being healthy.

Only 9 years later she recovered and turned into a beauty.

Now she works in a beauty salon, travels a lot, and loves to look at herself in the mirror. When we look at her photos it’s hard to believe that 9 years ago this girl was very thin.


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