«From fatty to attractive supermodel»: Tilly Nieman was teased about weight but now they envy her figure

This transformation surprised the entire Internet!😲A student named Tilly Nieman shared her wonderful weight loss experience🫢The result left everyone speechless!😱🤐

One day, a student named Tilly Nieman decided to share her weight loss experience․ She lost 32 kilograms and surprised everyone․
The girl was always teased for being overweight, but now everyone is delighted to see her beautiful figure that looks like a supermodel.

Tilly Nieman says she was a «big girl» and as a child at school her weight increased to 89 kilograms. It was very difficult for her to go through all the difficulties that were in the comments such as «hippo».
To cope with this, she used more makeup. Another difficulty was that she couldn’t find clothes for herself in the store: she didn’t even fit into the largest sizes.

When Tilly was 16 years old, she decided to fight her excess weight and apparently she coped with it․
She always ate bagels and hot chocolate and now she started using fruit and coffee.
For lunch, she started eating tuna salad or pizza on toast instead of panini and pasta. In the evening she ate pasta with low-fat sauce, salmon with rice and vegetables.

8 months have passed and she has lost 16 kilograms. This achievement became motivation for her to continue losing weight․ In addition to eating, she exercised.
Now her weight is 57 kilograms and she feels great.
She once didn’t like to look at herself in the mirror, but now she admires her appearance․ Tilly now feels confident because she can wear any clothes.

Tilly now gives advice to everyone who wants to lose weight and says that it is important to understand that losing weight is a marathon. A person must understand that this requires time and patience. It is especially important to enjoy the whole process.
What do you think of her transformation?

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