«From fat man to handsome model»: Grandma was a real support for the boy’s weight loss

This guy’s complexes drove him into depression.🧐

When this guy began to get fat his life turned into horror. All his classmates laughed at him and bullied him. Constant bullying pushed him to various stresses. He became even fat and complexes drove him into depression.

He began to skip school; he spent all the time in the basement of his house. He didn’t want to go anywhere because he was afraid that everyone would laugh at him. The boy thought that he weighed about 110-115 kg but one day he decided to check his weight and saw that he weighed 174 kg.

The guy decided to change his life. His grandmother lost weight and the guy decided to follow the advice of his grandmother. He decided to eat right for 3 months and lost 35 kg. He then decided to train and went to the gym.

He didn’t want to meet his tormentors in training so he began to go to night classes. The guy changed so much that he became unrecognizable. He turned into a really handsome man and all the girls fell in love with him. The guy became very self-confident.

After all this, he decided to become a model and has already appeared on the pages of fashion magazines. Of course, it’s unbelievable that they turned like this. The guy is very grateful to his grandmother because thanks to her he changed his whole life and became so famous.

According to him, those people who want to lose weight need to be self-confident and not quit what they started.

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