«For everyone, his appearance was a surprise»: a five-month-old child was born with thick hair

His mother cares very much about his hair, laying them daily.

The five-month Bobby Carter attracted a lot of attention because of his thick hair at such a young age.

His mother, Rachel Carter, admitted in an interview that her son’s hair was laid daily so that they would not stand on end.

Rachel explained that even during her pregnancy it was obvious that her child had a lot of hair.

Despite the initial forecasts that the girl would be born, the obstetricians were surprised to find that Bobby was born with a luxurious hairstyle.

Rachel also shared that her son receives a lot of attention.

To keep Bobby’s hairstyle, Rachel also has to wash his head daily.

Without styling, his hair will stand on end and make him similar to Wolverine.

Nevertheless, Bobby seems to like his hairstyle, and he finds a calming touch to his hair before bedtime, which helps him fall asleep.

In conclusion, the thick hair of Bobby Carter made him a celebrity at the age of five months.

His mother, Rachel, cares very much about his hair, daily laying them and my them.

The attention that Bobby receives does not seem to bother him, and, it seems, he even likes this attention.

It is safe to say that Bobby’s luxurious hairstyle attracts attention and distinguishes it among other children of his age.

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