Cute scene: this newborn baby who slept next to his puppy friend won the hearts of millions of people

There is nothing more beautiful a friendship and bond between a dog and a child.

How not to be touched by such a scene? When you discover a video recently posted on TikTok of a newborn baby and a sleeping puppy side by side, it’s easy to see why the footage has gone viral in such a short time, with millions of views.

There is nothing more beautiful than watching the development of friendship and bond between a dog and a child. Often this special relationship begins as soon as a newborn baby arrives in the house, an event for which the dog must be prepared.

The puppy and baby in question here already seem to be extremely connected, although they only recently knew each other. You can tell by watching a moving video of them sleeping peacefully next to each other. A video posted in late September on the TikTok platform by a user under the pseudonym fordandpalmer.

The post garnered millions of views and many comments from stunned internet users, Newsweek reported Oct. 2.

Most touching scene

We see a swaddled baby, eyes closed, cuddled up to his puppy friend, who is also sleeping.

“Finally, we got the right to 8 hours of sleep”, we read in the caption to the video. “It took only 2 days to get there, but still”, the author continues.

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