Brave beautiful zebra is trying to overcome a stormy river in front of his sweet foal

In this story, a whole drama was played out in a few minutes.

A herd of zebras living in the Serengeti Park constantly jumps from place to place in place, hiding from predators and mastering new meadows.

On the way, they come across real labyrinths of rivers, and if some are easy to overcome, others become a serious test.

In this video, a whole drama broke out in a few minutes, and it all started with the fact that the herd of Zebra approached the other river. At the head of the herd of Zebra named Shani.

Behind it is her foal and the rest of the group, and the stallion of Punda closes the column. One of the rivers does not look too wide but has a stormy current.

It is unclear whether the herd can go for a hard time, and Shani boldly rushes into the water to check it. The streams of water immediately take him downstream, and the foal and other members of the family group can only helplessly observe from the shore.

Punda does not release Shani out of sight, even when she takes away further along the river. He runs after her with a gallop very close to the edge of the water, as if hoping to help his friend.

Fortunately, the young and strong zebra found the strength to overcome the flow and get out to land in another place.

Her act showed that the herd and, especially, a weak thin-legged calf will not cope with such a transition, and the group found a new, more suitable place for a ford.

Watch the video here.

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