An unexpected sight: these fishermen were simply surprised when they saw which animal needed their help

Trembling all over, the animal sat on an almost melted ice floe.

It would have ended badly for this Arctic fox, but luckily a fishing boat passed by. People have noticed that someone is sitting on a melting iceberg that is about to collapse.

Of course, the ship’s crew was not ready for such a “catch”, because the fishermen are used to catching crabs, not arctic foxes.

Trembling all over, he sat on a melting ice floe. Fishermen were surprised when they found out who needed help

People admit that they did not immediately understand what this dark spot on the iceberg was, but decided to swim closer to see everything.

A small fox sat on a cold white surface. He was wet, cold, and besides, he was tired of fighting with impudent gulls.

Trembling all over, he sat on a melting ice floe. Fishermen were surprised when they found out who needed help

When the Arctic fox fell into the water, he was quickly caught with a fishing net.

When the fox dried up and stopped shaking, the ship’s crew treated him to Viennese sausages, which the pet really liked.

Trembling all over, he sat on a melting ice floe. Fishermen were surprised when they found out who needed help

Then the animal was taken to the port of Port William. The fox spent two more days there, after which people returned it to its natural habitat.

The animal remained calm and showed no aggression.

We hope that in the future everything will be fine with the fox.

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