After 4 long years, the horse sees his best friend loses control and cannot control the joy

Their excellent reunion proves that real friendship never dies.

According to the magazine, in the childhood of Horses Arthur, William and Harry were big friends.

Friendship begins here. See that!

Sue Blagburn, a citizen of Great Britain, was very proud of her racehorses, whom she adored.

However, heavy difficulties forced her to make a terrible decision to sell Arthur.

Therefore, Sue, William and Harry were terribly bored with dad.

Sue worked hard for almost five years before she was able to buy Arthur, a horse that she raised from a foal.

Moreover, Sue was worried about Arthur’s reaction to his former games comrades when he returned to his childhood house.

In the end, the Trinity was so young at that time that perhaps she forgot about each other.

However, the alarm of Sue leave when Harry meets Arthur in this photo.

Moreover, two run towards each other, and William quickly follows them.

When they sniff and somersaulted in delight, it seems that all three begin from the same place where they stopped!

Sue, like us, was amazed to see her children dance with joy.

Their excellent reunion proves that real friendship never dies! It was amazing, just look at how cute they look together.

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