Adorable Cat’s Obsession: Meet Petal and Her Beloved Toy Pet Carrier

This cat found a toy pet carrier and didn’t let go.😊😍

When Emmy Blake took the little cat named Petal home, she knew that the cat was going to challenge her. The little kitten plays with everything and has a lot of energy. She plays even with things that don’t belong to her but whatever she sets her mind to, she gets it no matter what.

Recently, when Blake’s sister came over with her child, she brought a toy pet carrier that was decorated with buttons that played music and Emmy decided to put it in front of the cat to see if she would like it and had no idea that it would become an obsession for the kitten.

Blake told Dodo that the cat loved the toy immediately and the cat figured the toy out by herself and got inside of it.

She also revealed that she keeps the toy away at night because she thinks the cat might get stuck inside of it but in the daytime, the cat plays with it a lot.

Petal always gets what she wants and right now she wanted the toy carrier and is playing with it as long as she gets too big for it. Blake said she will return the toy as an agreement she had with her sister.


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