A unique story: a small dog swims from one side of the lake to the other every day and is happy with his action

This dog has got into the habit of going to a campsite every day by swimming.

Thunder’s daily ritual is as fun as it is loving. This dog actually has a habit of going to camp every day, swimming in the lake that separates it. He is always warmly received there.

Labrador Retrievers are great swimmers, and Thunder is no exception, Dodo tells us. A skill that the latter puts to good use during regular camp visits, including to Amanda Vermeer.

He has been working there for a long time and continues to frequent the area as a client. Therefore, he knows this dog very well and is not at all surprised to see how it swims.

Grom’s owner’s house is located on the opposite bank of the lake, and the four-legged friend passes by him every day, in any weather.

The 10-year-old Labrador’s family has repeatedly tried to stop him for his safety, but he systematically manages to find a way to evade their surveillance and dive into the water to check on the campers.

Amanda Vermeer is convinced that her favorite part of Thunder Adventures is swimming. He thinks he enjoys “walking from camp to camp, saying hello to everyone and seeing how far he can go before he gets caught” by his servants.

He also gets treats, which he doesn’t mind either.

As soon as he arrives at the camp, the regulars, almost all of whom have his phone number, call the Thunder’s owner to let him know.

A little later, he arrives to pick her up in a van. The dog never swims home.

That would have been taught to him by his master, as he recently confided to Amanda Vermeer in a message where he also explained that he would never forbid him to swim because that’s what he likes. .

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