A bird with red, black, and yellow colours
The 22 cm tall yellow-crowned gonolek, often called the common gonolek, has a long tail and small wings.
The male is a gorgeous bird when fully grown, but due to his propensity for hiding in the undergrowth, he is sometimes disregarded.
He has entire black upper parts, scarlet underparts, and a buff-yellow undertail in addition to his golden crown.
All of equatorial Africa, from Senegal and the Democratic Republic of the Congo east to Ethiopia, is home to the Yellow-crowned Gonolek.
These birds favour dense undergrowth habitats in forests and other forested areas.
It can be seen on well-watered hotel lawns and is less cautious than some other bush shrikes.
Insects that are found in bushes or on the ground are the main food source for Yellow-crowned Gonoleks.
Although monogamous bird breeding can happen at any time of the year, the rainy season is when it happens the most frequently.
Two to three eggs are kept in a cup-shaped nest that is built in a shrub or tree.