A kind couple managed to save 8 kittens, but one more needed help, it was difficult to save him, but they succeeded

It took the couple two whole days to save a little kitten living in a pile of rubbish.

Most people would have walked past the baby, but the young man and his wife decided to pick up the baby from there and take him to a safe place.

Nikki Martinez, a local animal rescuer, met a woman in dire need of help. She had dozens of pets at home, including eight kittens. The owner could no longer take care of them and treat them.

Couple saved 8 kittens, but someone else was crying in a pile of garbage! Saving the ninth baby was not easy

The woman agreed to transfer all cats and kittens for treatment, castration and sterilization.

Nikki and her husband thought that only eight kittens needed help, but it soon became clear that another ponytail was in trouble.

While the girl was collecting eight kittens from the woman’s house, she heard the cry of a kitten coming from a large pile of construction debris, but the baby was not visible.

Couple saved 8 kittens, but someone else was crying in a pile of garbage! Saving the ninth baby was not easy

Nikki’s husband tried to dig through the garbage, but the baby hid inside and he couldn’t get it. The couple then took home eight babies and returned the next day for a ninth.

Finally, Nikki’s husband saw the one he had been looking for for so long.

And two hours later, the man managed to pull the poor thing out of the trap. The kitten was brought home.

Couple saved 8 kittens, but someone else was crying in a pile of garbage! Saving the ninth baby was not easy

Recently, nine kittens were living in the mud and starving. But now they are warm and even play with their toys.

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