A Heartwarming Haven: Cafe Provides Warm Shelter and Food for Stray Dogs Every Night

A cafe provides them with warm shelter and food.đŸ„șđŸ„°

Every night, the cafĂ© staff, which is called “Hott Spott” accept wandering dogs for staying overnight.

When the cafe closes at 3 am and there are no more visitors, the local dogs can sleep on any couch. A photo of several sleeping dogs was posted on Facebook by one of the cafe’s regulars and quickly went viral, receiving more than half a million likes and half a million shares.

Lesbos is also a hub for the refugee crisis, but the café stays popular among people who visit there, as they have an animal rescue project.

The customers of the cafe do not mind the dogs, and many even come specially to take pictures of them. According to Antonis, an employee of the institution, the project started in July and has been going on since then, when the dogs stay there every night.

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