A beautiful story of kindness: a driver rescued a kitten that was left 40 meters above the void

Passing over the bridge, a woman saw a cat more than 40 meters above the river.

This is the great story of the day. Nicole Toni never expected to be the heroine of a small rescue operation. A Texan stopped on a bridge to pick up a kitten dangerously stuck on the edge. Rescue meeting…

On the way home, Nicole Toni made a frightening discovery. Driving across the bridge, she saw a small ball of fur curled up on the edge, more than 40 meters above the Neches River.

By the time she realized it was a kitten, she had already passed him. Therefore, the driver turned around as quickly as possible.

Nicole parked on the side, a few meters from the animal, so as not to frighten him. “I approached slowly because I was afraid of heights and I was afraid that he would jump,” she admitted.

Even though she was petrified, Nicole plucked up her courage and carefully grabbed the young cat and put him into her car.

“He did not hiss, did not scratch; I think he was too scared to move”, Nicole added, “I couldn’t leave him there, that would be terrible. I couldn’t live with myself”.

The female kitten was named Ducky. No one knows how he ended up in this dangerous situation. Nicole pointed out that some people abandon their pets in the area…

When Ducky crossed the threshold of her heroine’s house, she was treated to delicious food. Having survived such an ordeal, the kitten could not even dream of a better meeting. Nicole decided, by mutual agreement with her husband, to keep her!

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