7 trees that ”won” over the architects and became an integral part of the buildings

7 wonderful trees

Деревья побеждают бензопилы и сливаются со зданиями.

A huge number of designers adhere to the plans to the letter and do not spare the flora that obstructs progress. But there are also really talented individuals among them, who can’t get enough of the trees who were the first to settle on a patch of land. These guys don’t cut down trees; instead, they incorporate them into building facades and even interiors.

  1. A pine tree is surrounded by a glass home (Kazakhstan)

В Алматы архитектор Айбек Алмасов построил вокруг сосны уютный стеклянный дом.

Aibek Almasov, a Kazakh designer, designed a glass house with a cylindrical form and steel supports. But the most important aspect is that it is based on a genuine tree that is growing in its natural habitat. It turned out to be the ideal spot for leisure and isolation. With such a pine tree within the house, you could certainly ring in The new Year each day.

  1. Tree in front of the Foundation for Arts and Education’s building (Turkey)

В Турции старинное дерево, которому уже более трех веков, провели через балконы и крышу постройки.

Because this pine tree is almost 300 years old, Turkish officials prohibited its removal in order to make room for the Culture and Education Fund’s building. Inventive designers quickly devised a solution. They just led a trunk with different branches through the balcony and roof of the building to save the precious tree.

  1. Tree-lined house with an open patio (China)

В Шанхае построили необычный двухэтажный дом с деревом, растущим сквозь пол открытой террасы.

This structure, constructed by Chinese designers, demonstrates how sophisticated technology can coexist well with environment. On the second level of the building, a little tree grows directly through the floor of the outdoor terrace.

  1. Preschool in the shade of a tree (Japan)

В Японии вокруг 50-летнего дерева построили маленький детский сад.

The glass and steel building of the small preschool is built around a half-century-old tree. Swinging on the thick limbs is a popular pastime for kids, and a high iron barrier in the shape of a circle ensures their security.

  1. A cafe in the heart of the building with a genuine tree (Italy)

В Риме построили ресторан вокруг дерева, которое отгорожено от посетителей стеклом.

This Italian eatery is known not just for its delectable pizza and pasta, but also for a living tree that grows smack in the centre of the dining room. Indeed, it was hidden behind glass to retain the interior design aesthetic.

  1. Tree on the steps of a home (America)

Гостеприимное дерево или дерево-защитник.

And this tree had to create room for itself directly on the building’s steps. It appears as if the plant is attempting to meet visitors ahead of the proprietors. Alternatively, it can be used to keep unwelcome people out of the residence.

Park with 7 Trees (Israel)

В Иерусалиме архитекторы буквально вырастили домик на дереве.

The architects built a modest wooden house on an old pine tree in front of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Kids love playing here, and adults enjoy spending time here as well. Trees in homes and tree houses are fascinating. In Germany, they created a fantastic tree-top camping experience that is a fantastic option to tent cities.

Source: Novate

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