«This is what the boy looks like now»: the baby was born with a heart birthmark on his forehead

It’s true that every baby is a miracle and each is beautiful in his own way.😍😍

People meet at first, then fall in love, then form a family. Then, when a sweet baby is born, they should already be thinking about raising the baby and about his or her upbringing.

Parents should always give them happy childhood and wonderful memories.

It is a fact that for every parent their children are the most beautiful on the planet.

The hero of our story was called the «love child». This boy was born and immediately surprised the whole world.

His name is Shinar and he was born in Ankara. For his parents, it was a big surprise that he had a heart on his forehead.

Already in the hospital, this boy became a star, and all the doctors and nurses were surprised. And also they want to take a photo.

Parents say that when people see him on the street they also want to take a picture with him.

Everyone believes that this heart is a unique gift that God gave.

This sweet boy already has many fans who wonder how he lives. His parents created an Instagram for him so that people can see him.

Here is our 4-year-old handsome boy!

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